2: Stake to Coinbase with SolFlare
1. Stake to our public validator
Open the SolFlare UI, and under Create a staking account select Get Started.
Enter the amount of SOL you would like to delegate. Please leave at least 1 SOL in your account to pay for future transaction fees. Click Next. If you receive an error message, ensure your Ledger is unlocked and has the Solana app open.
Confirm the creation of a new stake account for the correct amount of SOL.
On the main SolFlare page, select Delegate Now.
Select the Coinbase validator from the dropdown menu and click Next
Review the delegation transaction prompt on your Ledger. Confirm that the Vote Account matches the Coinbase/Coinbase vote account address (see below).
Approve the transaction.
Validator name: Coinbase
Validator ID: XkCriyrNwS3G4rzAXtG5B1nnvb5Ka1JtCku93VqeKAr
Validator vote account address: beefKGBWeSpHzYBHZXwp5So7wdQGX6mu4ZHCsH3uTar
Validator name: Coinbase 02
Validator ID: CW9C7HBwAMgqNdXkNgFg9Ujr3edR2Ab9ymEuQnVacd1A
Validator vote account address: 6D2jqw9hyVCpppZexquxa74Fn33rJzzBx38T58VucHx9