2: Stake to Coinbase with NEAR CLI
To stake from an account...
1. Authenticate your NEAR wallet with the CLI
Using the computer on which you installed the NEAR CLI, log into the NEAR wallet site
Execute the command:
near login
Click Allow in the new tab.
Enter your Wallet ID.
Click Confirm.
2. Deposit NEAR to the stakingpool contract
Validator name: Bison Trails
Staking pool IDs:
- Execute the command using Coinbase's Staking Pool ID:
near call <bisontrails.poolv1.near> deposit '{}' --accountId <WALLET_ID> --amount <N>
- Receive the response:
Log [my_validator.stakingpool]: @bt_admin.testnet deposited 100000000000000000000000000. New unstaked balance is 100000000000000000000000000
3. Stake NEAR to the stakingpool contract
- Execute the command:
near call <bisontrails.poolv1.near> stake '{"amount": "N000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId <WALLET_ID>
- Receive the response:
Log [my_validator.stakingpool]: @bt_admin.testnet staking 100000000000000000000000000. Received 100000000000000000000000000 new staking shares. Total 0 unstaked balance and 100000000000000000000000000 staking shares
Congratulations! You are now staked to a Coinbase validator.
To stake from a lockup contract...
1. Confirm ownership of your lockup contract
- From Terminal, execute the command:
near view LOCKUP_CONTRACT get_owner_account_id ‘{}’
- Match the owner_account_id to the lockup contract ID associated with that owner ID.
2. Designate the staking pool and deposit NEAR
- Execute the command:
near call LOCKUP_CONTRACT select_staking_pool '{"staking_pool_account_id": "bisontrails.poolv1.near"}' --accountId OWNER_ACCOUNT_ID
- To deposit NEAR, execute the command:
near call LOCKUP_CONTRACT deposit_to_staking_pool '{"amount":"N000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId OWNER_ACCOUNT_ID --gas=150000000000000
- Receive TRUE or FALSE value, along with your transaction receipt and a URL to view your transaction in the explorer.
3. Stake NEAR to the stakingpool contract
- Execute the command:
near call LOCKUP_CONTRACT stake '{"amount":"N000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId OWNER_ACCOUNT_ID --gas=150000000000000
- Receive TRUE or FALSE value along with your transaction receipt and a URL to view your transaction in the explorer.
Congratulations! You are now staked to a Coinbase validator.