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Acquiring and Tracking Assets with EIP-747

A major use case of Ethereum wallets is to acquire and track assets. This is often done by pre-loading a list of approved assets, which is insecure, or by stepping through a tedious process of adding each asset.

The RPC method wallet_watchAsset allows users to easily track new assets with a suggestion from the sites they visit.

Calling wallet_watchAsset

Calling wallet_watchAsset method returns true/false if the asset is accepted/denied by the user, or an error if there is something wrong with the request.

Unlike other methods, the default definition of wallet_watchAsset params is not an array, but to keep it compatible with code conventions of other dapps, wallet-sdk supports both array and object format.

interface WatchAssetParameters {
type: string // The asset's interface, e.g. 'ERC20'
options: {
address: string // The hexadecimal Ethereum address of the token contract
symbol?: string // A ticker symbol or shorthand, up to 5 alphanumerical characters
decimals?: number // The number of asset decimals
image?: string // A string url of the token logo

Here's an example of how to suggest the client wallet add a custom token:

function onApproveWatchAsset() {
// your approval callback implementation

function onDenyWatchAsset() {
// your denying callback implementation

function onError(message: string) {
// your error callback implementation

// Use wallet_watchAsset
method: "wallet_watchAsset",
params: {
type: "ERC20",
options: {
address: "0xcf664087a5bb0237a0bad6742852ec6c8d69a27a",
symbol: "WONE",
decimals: 18,
.then(response => {
const result : boolean = response as boolean
result ? onApproveWatchAsset() : onDenyWatchAsset()
.catch(err => onError(err.message));

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