Making requests
Requests to Coinbase Wallet can be made by calling the makeRequest
function provided by the SDK. This function also accepts a list of actions
Request(actions: [
Action(jsonRpc: .eth_signTypedData_v3(
address: "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826",
message: Data()))
) { result in
Batch requests
The client supports sending multiple actions
as a single batch request.
For example, the code below will make requests for a user account and to switch chains:
Request(actions: [
Action(jsonRpc: .eth_requestAccounts),
Action(jsonRpc: .wallet_switchEthereumChain(chainId: "1666600000"))
) { result in
An example request is provided in our sample application.