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Sign in with Coinbase Notifications Setup

Notifications allow you to subscribe to updates for your OAuth application or API key. You might use notifications to:

  • Get notified when your buy or sell is completed, or when a withdraw or deposit is created
  • Initiate actions when a cryptocurrency address receives a new transaction

Notifications are sent as HTTP POST requests (webhooks) to a notification endpoint which you can set in your OAuth application or API key settings.

Once you have configured your notification endpoint, you'll receive notifications instantly as events are created for your account. A full list is available in the API Reference.

Setting up Notifications

API key

You can set up a notification endpoint for your API Key in your API key settings. These notifications affect only your own account and you need to remember to set up necessary read permissions to receive notifications.

Sign in with Coinbase (OAuth2)

Sign in with Coinbase applications can also subscribe to notifications. Unlike API keys, notifications for Sign in with Coinbase applications are initialized for application users who have an active access token. The same restrictions apply, so you'll need to have the necessary read permissions, and notifications will only be fired for accounts (wallets) for which the application has permissions.

As notifications from multiple users of your applications are posted to a single notification endpoint, you'll need to use user and account fields to map them to specific users of your application.

Accessing Notifications API

Notifications are stored for future access via the API. Querying them via the API can be useful if you need to access notifications at a later date or when you're testing your implementation.

The notifications API does not display past events. Notification events begin the moment the Notification URL is set up on your API Key or OAuth app.

Notification Retry Schedule

When posting notifications, Coinbase expects to receive a 200 response code from your website. If the response code is not 200, we will retry the notification hourly for up to three days.

This ensures that if your site experiences downtime or there is a problem with your integration, updates will not be lost. Most of the time your website will respond on the very first callback so subsequent callbacks will never need to be run.

You can always access notifications via our API using the list notifications endpoint.


As notifications are delivered via webhooks, they don't have access to CB-VERSION header which is used to define the version for API requests. Instead a version defined in user's API settings is used. Before upgrading your service, ensure that your application is ready to accept the latest notification version.

Testing Notifications

Since notifications must always be available in a publicly accessible URL, you might run into issues while starting to build your application in a local environment. The easiest way to get started testing notifications is to use a tool like RequestBin. Once you have created a temporary webhook, you can set it to your application settings. It's important to use this only for development, as you should never leak notification data to public.

Securing Callbacks

Order callbacks originating from Coinbase will be signed using our callback signing RSA private key. The corresponding public key for verification can be downloaded here.

If you are using the latest version of an official Coinbase API library, check your library's documentation for verifying callbacks.

If you would like to verify callbacks manually in the language of your choice, the message digest used is SHA256, the message that is signed is the POST body, the padding scheme is PKCS1_v1_5, and the signature to be verified is present in the 'CB-SIGNATURE' HTTP Header encoded as base64.

To assist you in testing, the following is an example POST body with associated valid signature:

  body = '{"order":{"id":null,"created_at":null,"status":"completed","event":null,"total_btc":{"cents":100000000,"currency_iso":"BTC"},"total_native":{"cents":1000,"currency_iso":"USD"},"total_payout":{"cents":1000,"currency_iso":"USD"},"custom":"123456789","receive_address":"mzVoQenSY6RTBgBUcpSBTBAvUMNgGWxgJn","button":{"type":"buy_now","name":"Test Item","description":null,"id":null},"transaction":{"id":"53bdfe4d091c0d74a7000003","hash":"4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b","confirmations":0}}}'

signature = "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"

Your callback url should use the https protocol for greater security. This allows us to ensure we are sending callbacks to the correct server and prevents any parameters from being read as they travel over the internet. The developer should also reject callbacks that do not originate from Coinbase's network:


Do not add a secret query parameter to your callback url. All clients should verify the cryptographic signature as described above.


Cryptocurrency transactions arrive usually within a few seconds, but can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour to become 100% confirmed in the blockchain. Typically, Coinbase sends the notification within 1-2 seconds of the Cryptocurrency transaction arriving. If we feel the transaction is at a higher risk for being double spent, we may delay sending the callback until we can be sure the transaction will be confirmed.

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