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Exchange REST API Pagination

Coinbase Exchange uses cursor pagination for all REST requests which return arrays.

Cursor pagination allows for fetching results before and after the current page of results and is well suited for realtime data. Endpoints like /trades, /fills, /orders, return the latest items by default. To retrieve more results subsequent requests should specify which direction to paginate based on the data previously returned.

before and after cursors are available via response headers CB-BEFORE and CB-AFTER. Your requests should use these cursor values when making requests for pages after the initial request.


beforeRequest page before (newer) this pagination id
afterRequest page after (older) this pagination id
limit1000Number of results per request. Maximum 1000 (default 1000)


GET /orders?before=2&limit=30

Before and After cursors

The before cursor references the first item in a results page and the after cursor references the last item in a set of results.

Before Cursor

To request a page of records before the current one, use the before query parameter. Your initial request can omit this parameter to get the default first page.

The response contains a CB-BEFORE header which returns the cursor id to use in your next request for the page before the current one. The page before is a newer page and not one that happened before in chronological time.

After Cursor

The response also contains a CB-AFTER header which returns the cursor id to use in your next request for the page after this one. The page after is an older page and not one that happened after this one in chronological time.

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